Good People Giving Tree

Giving Tree Restaurant emplyees

Help a tree bloom.

Help opportunity blossom.

Leave a mark with Good People.

The Good People Cafe provides meaningful employment for individuals with disabilities, a place for all people to experience genuine community, and an opportunity for everyone to eat some really good food.

A feature of the cafe’s entryway is our "Giving Tree" mural. We know this mural will be THE spot to snap a selfie and let everyone know you hung out with some Good People.

We want you to be among the first to bring life to the giving tree. When you sponsor a silver or gold leaf, or have your name carved in the trunk, you will do more than just contribute to our tree, you will be a part of the lasting impact Good People will have on our community.

The Giving Tree funding opportunity exists to ensure that the Good People Cafe will continue to fulfill its mission for years to come. We’ve already learned that it’s not just the opportunity to work that is so important, but also the opportunity to meet new friends and form lasting relationships. Your support makes this possible.

While the mural has been hand-painted on the wall, all leaves and carvings are created from wood - adding an extra "pop" to the art we create together. Consider leaving your mark today and, every time someone snaps a selfie, you'll let the world know that you're Good People.

Giving Tree mural in progress

Our Giving Tree selfie mural is currently being painted by an amazing, local Grain Valley artist. The images on this page are not indicative of the final product and are solely meant to help you visualize your place in the Good People legacy.

Silver Leaf donations

Silver Leaf

$100 - $499

Gold Leaf donations

Gold Leaf

$500 - $999

Carved Trunk donations

Carved Trunk


When you have filled out the form, click the Donate Now button to help a tree bloom, help opportunity blossom, and leave a mark with Good People.

Donate Now to help a tree bloom