Good People Cafe
Launched in May 2024 by Faith United Methodist Church of Grain Valley with generous support from the Missouri United Methodist Conference, the mission of the Good People Cafe is to provide meaningful employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities, a place for all people to experience genuine community, and an opportunity for everyone to eat some really good food.
MEET GOOD PEOPLE. Situated in the heart of the community and within walking distance of the high school, Good People Cafe provides ALL people with a hope-filled PLACE to get to know and be known by others.
EAT GOOD FOOD. Sharing a meal with others increases our sense of belonging, reduces stress, and helps combat depression. Good People Cafe offers really good food to share with really good people.
DO GOOD THINGS. The food services industry is a top employer of individuals with disabilities. Sharing a meal with friends at Good People shares opportunities with individuals stepping into the labor force.